Every year since 2002, I have launched my annual Industry Trends and Market Share report at EIBTM, and I travel all over the world, speaking at conferences on the theme of trends in the meetings and events industry.
Regular readers of the EIBTM Trends Watch report will instantly notice a difference in tone in this year’s edition. The mood of our industry, as reflected in the conclusions of the vast majority of the surveys used in the compilation of this report, has changed to one of quiet optimism. This change comes about in recognition of the fact that the move from the fragile recovery of 2012 to a more sustained upturn in the world economy of 2013 has been reflected in growing global demand for meetings, events and business travel. Similarly, almost all forecasts for 2014 indicate increasing levels of optimism and growth in these three sectors, albeit modest.
A consensus is forming that, leading into 2014, meetings, events and business travel will continue to remain critical drivers assisting organisations in their efforts to reach their strategic business objectives and effectively communicate with their employees, customers and partners worldwide.
A growing body of robust and reliable data is emerging, as our industry increasingly understands the importance of undertaking rigorous research into the changing trends and influences that affect demand for our facilities and services. A key purpose of the EIBTM Trends Watch report is to synthesize this information and share the collective findings in a succinct document designed to inform you of the recent performance of our industry and the projected situation for the year ahead.
I hope that you find it useful in the work that you do.