The success of any MICE organisation or company is directly linked to the competencies and levels of specialist knowledge possessed by the people working there. In the fast-changing world of MICE management, staff training is essential, to ensure that managers are aware of the latest techniques and solutions that are available to them. I enjoy my role as a trainer of MICE managers in various sectors of our industry. Here are a few examples of the training programmes that I have worked on in the past:
Exhibition Management – I work with UFI, the Global Association of the Exhibition Industry in collaboration with the Cooperative State University in Ravensburg,as an instructor on the UFI Exhibition Management Degree
Destination Sales and Marketing – I have with DMAI, Destination Marketing Association International as an instructor on the Sales Academy Series.
Venue Sales and Marketing Together with Anthony Hyde, the co-author of my latest book, Winning Meetings and Events for your Venue, I am offering a one-day training course on sales and marketing for people who have the responsibility for selling meetings space in their venues. The course has already been run very successfully in partnerships with convention bureaus who have offered it as a service to their members. In February 2015, the course will be run as part of the Eventex Congress in Sofia, Bulgaria.